Wednesday, August 3, 2011

More Natural Building in Nepal

I returned recently from my third trip to nepal this year,
this time building an orphanage for another Nepali NGO
across the Kathmandu Valley from Krishna's village
(see previous posts for projects with Krishna; taking this
work to other organizations is part of our vision).
Most exciting was the children helped build their home!

This is how far we got in two weeks, about as far as with the other two projects
i've gone there to help build. The man at the center is the
very smart Nepali builder who will complete this first of three buildings.
And then build the other buildings.

I also met w/ the next organization we'll build for - a women's
educational center in a village just down the road from Krishna.
Helping women create their lives is a huge issue in Nepal;
we're very excited to begin this project when we go back
at the end of September. This will involve three buildings,
forming an entry court. again, from waste glass bottles and paper,
natural plaster and bamboo structure with thatched roof.

I'll be there sept. 28 - oct. 14th............ so far, 4 friends
from the DC region will be joining me............ let me
know if you'd like to join us!
