Saturday, April 21, 2012

Exploring and Giving Form to Our Inner Home
                             Notes for The Workshop on May 26th         

Ecology -   the Greek eco means home.  Logos is the mysterious process of coming into being of a idea or impulse or ray of light.  Ecology can thus be considered as the mysterious process of making home.

This workshop delves into the idea that seeking home is our life's journey and explores
 "home" as an internal image, within the context of that journey. Home is our place of deep refuge, wholeness, being known. It is where we feel safe to be fully loved and love openly - our quiet, still center.  Ironically, home exists in spiritual realms, yet here we are, living in a crazed world, amidst our humanity - our fullness, of light and darkness. 

This workshop is experiential -  I open some of the infinite doors into exploring your inner self, your soul,  with the intention of drawing out life giving impulses which you can then embody through your daily living.  Each door is a creative-meditative drawing or sculpting exercise, where I offer a poetic image which you'll internalize, listen for a response, and then explore by playing with clay or pastels on newsprint, letting the exploration awaken essential parts of yourself you have forgotten or never realized.  As you create, more images appear -  each exercise opens a deep well of life giving water.

After the group completes each expression, you are invited to share with the group how the unfolding occurred.  Other particpants offer their insights into what you've offered, which also expands their understanding of our common humanity.  We then discuss how these revealed impulses can be lived into.

Consider the impulse of, say, wanting expansiveness, perhaps expressed when drawing by large, sweeping arcs of color, unfolding like bird's wings.  How that energy is given form is unique to our experiences and inclinations, but they may include: Considering new, bold options regarding significant life decisions; or making a window seat with a distant view, for our gazing;  or traveling to the southwest deserts (or moving there): or sailing (experience such an expansive space as the ocean, with the wind, and see what it has to offer), or letting your hair grow, or learn swing dancing!  

As there are infintite facets to the crystal that is our soul, this workshop can go on for a day, or two or three.  Regardless of duration, participants will have opened to ways to explore home and can continue this work throughout their life's journey.

Workshop fee -  $150.  Includes breakfast & lunch.  9am - 6pm.  At my home.

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